3D Printing in Manufacturing

3D Printing

3D Printing

3D Printing

3D Printing in Manufacturing

3D Printing Technology, or also known as additive manufacturing became the future of development. It brings a new perspective and innovation to any type of production. More industries are switching to 3D Printing technology because of the overall advancements. These advancements took manufacturing processes to another level.

The world has become fast-paced because of technology. Meanwhile, traditional manufacturing suffers to suffice the demand for production. Now, 3D Printing has made its way into this new era. With fewer restrictions but more advantages compared with traditional manufacturing.

3D Printing At Present

3D printing technology is the process of creating three-dimensional objects from a digital file. It starts with converting a 3D model file into a number of printable layers. The 3D printer machine prints these layers to form the desired object. It enables you to produce complex objects with lesser materials than traditional manufacturing.

Today, 3D printing is the revolution. Various 3D printing materials and software are now available in the market and still continue to develop. 3D printing machines evolved and adhered to the standards of any industry. Hence, more industries are starting to consider 3D printing in their manufacturing process.

How Is 3D Printing Used in Manufacturing?

1. Designing

The conventional materials in traditional manufacturing were now replaced with 3D printers. Those unachievable parts in traditional manufacturing can now be created with full-scale designs. This creates lots of opportunities in the design phase of the manufacturing process. Resulting to achieve the desired outcome of the project.

2. Prototyping

Another use of 3D printing in manufacturing is Prototyping. Prototyping is very helpful in implementing ideas, refining and validating designs to release the right finished product.

On the other hand, traditional manufacturing uses molds and tools which can prolong the process and add more cost. In comparison, prototyping in 3D printing is a great tool in manufacturing. It avoids too much risk especially if you are planning to produce objects in large quantities.

3. Bridge Manufacturing

Bridge manufacturing or bridge production is the use of rapid prototyping and additive technology in producing low to medium volumes of a product before finalizing it to mass production. This will allow you to quickly modify and customize the projects to meet the demands of customers.

With bridge manufacturing, products can undergo market testing and eventually generate income to fund mass production. Bridge manufacturing promotes a smooth transition up to mass production.

3D Printing Advantages in Manufacturing

Cost Reduction - First, you will just invest in a 3D printer and it can produce all the molds, tools, parts that you are needing. The creation of these parts would be cheaper and accessible compared to traditional manufacturing. Second, You won’t be needing much manpower, reducing your labor costs.

Faster Production - Since you don’t have to manually create injection mold tools and parts, 3D printing is faster. 3D printers can print them in just a few minutes or hours. Rapid Prototyping, for instance, minimizes the design iterations, development, and testing.

Risk Reduction - 3D printing allows you to redesign or modify the files to print before putting them in the final production. Another is the 3D printing setup. 3D printing software and printers are much easier to set up as they are compatible with each other.

Flexible - 3D printing is very flexible when it comes to production. Designs have no limitations in geometries, creating endless possibilities for every design. Complex designs are also easier to construct.

Accessible - Aside from flexibility, 3D printing is very accessible. If you want to find previous projects to make or iterate, 3D models are just saved in your files. Allowing you to have multiple references to use.

Less Waste - 3D printing is more environmentally friendly than traditional manufacturing. The 3D printing process requires lesser materials. It only uses materials that are needed in the 3D printer to assemble the product.

Less Storage - 3D printing is a print-on-demand process, resulting in lesser inventory than traditional manufacturing. The projects that you are going to make will just be saved in a digital file.

Endless Opportunities - 3D printing opportunities are vast because the world demands faster results and production. Because of its ability to customize, integrating it can yield endless opportunities along the way.

Challenges of 3D Printing in Manufacturing

For those who are in traditional manufacturing for a long period of time, switching to 3D printing technology can be challenging. Learning 3D printing may take some time. New skills are needed to develop to fully utilize the advantage of 3D printing. For designers and engineers, there will be new components in the design process and new mechanics for 3D printing to learn to become comfortable in the process.

Aside from lacking expertise, other challenges may occur and some of these are:

If you are a traditional manufacturer and you are planning to switch to 3D printing, you must address and find solutions to the problem that may arise with this new technology. 3D printing is very adaptable and if you invest in its potential, you will reap its greatest benefits.


Above all industries, manufacturing has the biggest impact when it comes to 3D printing. Certainly, the advantages of 3D printing are more diverse than traditional manufacturing. Just like other industries, there are challenges to face when switching to 3D printing. But these challenges can be solved when addressed properly. With the right knowledge and resources, integrating 3D printing in manufacturing would be beneficial. 3D printing is truly groundbreaking technology, making a level up in the manufacturing and development industries.

Reliable 3D Printing Company

Planning to integrate 3D printing in your manufacturing process? We can help you! MakerCarl has been in 3D printing technology for years. We can provide you with reliable 3D printers, materials, and tools to smoothly integrate 3D printing into your manufacturing process. To know more, contact us today.